Daajing Giids
August 26, 2022 By: T00472990
Location: Daajing Giids, BC, Canada
The Village of Daajing Giids is located on==on Haida Gwaii. Our community was formally known as the Village of Queen Charlotte. Daajing Giids is on Graham Island, Haida Gwaii, in Skidegate Inlet. More specifically, our village is located in Bearskin Bay. Daajing Giids is situated in a temperate rainforest 100 kilometres off the west coast of British Columbia. Some areas of Haida Gwaii were unexposed to the last ice age, which helped create an abundance of biodiversity. The Haida have lived on Haida Gwaii since time immemorial and have stories going back to two ice ages. The Haida have a rich cultural history and continue to call Haida Gwaii home. The ecology of Daajing Giids is diverse and has experienced many disturbances since settlement. There are numerous salmon steams in the community and the intertidal zone hosts many species. Daajing Giids is a community where the ocean meets the forest on the western edge of North America.
I was to what was then called the Queen Charlotte Islands in the late 1970s.
We were to all the first nations communities where we were providing dental services. Tremendous history and not sure it the waterfront totem poles still exist in Skidegate
I am sure it has changed however I felt haunted when I was there but loved the flora and fauna