Connecting Past and Present
December 21, 2023 By: WANG QING
“The Urbanization of the Globe” by Eric J. Gertler accents the unprecedented rise in urban living, echoing the trend underway about the rapid urbanization discussed in Unit 3. The author argues that the cities have been the hub for the development of human civilization. This is because the development of ideas, economic power, and movements were the major aspects of cities around the world. In recent times the trend in urbanisation is increasing at a fast rate because more and more people are moving from rural areas to cities. Increased connectivity through the rise of technology such internet, roadways, and airways technology are the main reasons for this increased trend in urbanization. The author argues that in the future innovative individuals need to be in close proximity with other major cities in order to collaborate in the knowledge-based cities. Gertler suggests “Bright, curious minds in the sciences and technology demand proximity in order to be more productive, more creative, and further stimulated.”Gertler’s emphasis on cities as loci of innovation echoes the historical significance attached to urban areas discussed in the course. However, the current wave of urban populations comes with a load of challenges similar to those deliberated in Unit 3, reinforcing the intrinsic balance between urban development and conservation. The projected exponential urban growth underscores the need to integrate the course of urban planning conservation principles to salve and counter environmental degradation, echoing the course’s highlighting on sustainable urban development.
“The American Buffalo,” a documentary by Ken Burns, mirrors the themes of conservation in Unit 3 through its account of buffalo’s near-extinction in history and subsequent preservation. This, to a larger extent, mirrors that of history being a context of resource depletion, as evident by Unit 3, thus exemplifying putting modes of conservation into action. Massive urbanization is the reason for the lack of conservation. Urbanization is causing a destruction of the forests and wildlife habitat. Loss of wildlife animals due to lack of conservation does not only impact the ecology but also the intimate relationship between indigenous communities and animals. European settlers and the subsequent Americans’ hand in the near annihilation of the buffalo’ is the darker story is the main highlight of the documentary. Burn’s documentary helps us to see a lesson from the buffalo’s story in the times of climate change and the mass extinction of wildlife. Burns’ documentary thus succeeds as an emergent reflection of lessons from bygone conservation projects and insight for dealing with the puzzles posed to the contemporary world in regard to the environment through empathetic conservation.
Works Cited
Gertler, Eric J. “The Urbanization of the Globe.” U.S. News, 2018.
Kimbrough, Liz. “Ken Burns Discusses Heartbreak & Hope of ‘the American Buffalo,’ His
New Documentary.” Mongabay Environmental News, October 4, 2023.