Connecting Past and Present

March 22, 2024 By: Navraj Randhawa


The article “Ecosystem collapse caused wildlife losses akin to those of Permian-Triassic mass extinction”, study says from The Guardian highlights a dire warning about the state of our ecosystems. The study reveals that current rates of biodiversity loss could lead to a collapse on par with the devastating Permian-Triassic mass extinction event. This connection to conservation challenges us to confront the urgency of preserving biodiversity. It underscores the importance of conservation efforts to prevent irreversible damage to ecosystems and the vital services they provide. The article prompts reflection on the lessons from Unit 3, emphasizing the interconnectedness of species and ecosystems, and the critical need for effective conservation strategies to safeguard our planet’s biodiversity for future generations.


In the article “Urbanization poses global conservation challenges,” published by ScienceDaily, the impacts of rapid urbanization on wildlife and ecosystems are brought to light. The expansion of urban areas often leads to habitat loss, fragmentation, and increased human-wildlife conflicts. This resonates with the discussions from Unit 3, which highlighted the complexities of managing protected areas in the face of urban growth. It underscores the need for innovative urban planning strategies that integrate conservation efforts to mitigate the negative effects of urbanization on biodiversity. The article underscores the importance of finding a balance between urban development and conservation to ensure the sustainability of both human communities and natural ecosystems.


  1. I thought the Guardian article that you picked was interesting because it really highlights just how dire a mass ecosystem collapse would actually be. Even amongst those who agree that climate change is a serious problem, I don’t think many people truly appreciate just how catastrophic runaway climate change will actually be. For this reason, I like that the authors warned of “extinction level” events, this wording makes it abundantly clear just how serious this problem is.

  2. I appreciate your post and the article you chose from The Guardian. On Vancouver Island, we are facing many new restrictions this year on salmon fishing due to mass loss from lack of water and pollution. This, as you’ve highlighted, is indeed leading to an ecological collapse, which many are aware of and are beginning to protest. Thank you.

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